Hidden urban rivers / How to reveal the invisible ?

09 January 2013

Possible outcomes.

How to reveal the invisible ? 
By highlighting the negative space. 
To communicate its presence I aim to create :

A website : 
4 categories, 
- architectural evidences : rounded streets, erodated house angles, etc.. 
- geological evidences : hills, trees, wet spaces, etc... 
- historical evidences : political decisions (haussmann), famous war, etc... 
- social evidences : poetry texts, what people think is linked to the river, etc...
Into 1 map like (ex : http://www.ultracopains.com/) !
>> The overall trend of the collected evidences reveals the position of the invisible river.

Stickers  : 
According to the street position on the website, stickers tell their stories and guide the walker along the hidden river. 

Application + headphones  : 
In addition to the way-finding stickers, the application can be used by those who own smartphones. Following the gps position of the hidden river, a fake reverberated sound of flowing river is played into the headphone > the closer you are from the river the louder you can hear it.

Click on the picture to zoom in.